Miatafest 30th Anniversary (+2)
Celebration in the Mountains
Long planned for our 30th anniversary year this weekend event will happen this July if the world stays in a relatively normal state.
We have arranged a weekend of activity in the Wilkes-Barre, PA area with The Woodlands Inn as our base of operation. They have offered attractive rates for Friday and Saturday that you can get by calling and identifying that you are with the Miata club Miatafest. You must reserve rooms by JUNE 15 to get these rates, no extensions!
With support from the club treasury registration will be $50 per person which includes the arrival hospitality, Saturday banquet dinner and participation gift. We hope to add door prizes and other gifts from sponsors.
Here is the agenda:
Friday July 15 -
Dinner on your own.- many locations nearby or at the hotel. A dinner run is being offered by Tom Kilduff to Dixon's Hoagie Hut, Tunkhannock , PA. Departs at 4 PM with stop to view Tunkhannock Viaduct.
Check-in for event - Hospitality Room 8-10PM or text Curt at 973.768.1252
Hospitality Room opens at 4PM and stays open to 10PM, Drinks and snacks provided. Catch up with friends. Come up early to take in nearby sites and activities like Mohegan Sun Casino and racetrack.
Saturday July 16 -
Check -in for event - Hospitality Room 8-9AM
Breakfast on your own - great buffet breakfast available in the hotel.
Driving tour 9AM - about 2 PM - A scenic tour of the mountains nearby with a rest stop at a restored RR station and lunch stop at a restaurant on the route. Tour registration will open closer to the event and will be handled separately from event registration.
Lunch - stop on tour, credit cards accepted.
Return from guided tour and explore the area on your own
Banquet Dinner - 6PM to ??? in the Woodland Inn. Dinner included in registration but cash bar.
Sunday July 17 -
Breakfast on your own - great buffet breakfast available in the hotel.
Stay and enjoy the area or join the guided trip below or coordinate with friends to create a mini tour back home.
Guided Tour - Starts at the hotel and we’d like to depart at 9:30 for the 75 mile trip. There is a rest stop in Blakeslee at the WaWa and lunch will be a Yaccos in Allentown.
Here is a guide to things to do in the area - Miatafest Visitors Guide
Room Rates
Friday $125 Main or Tower Building
Saturday $135 Main or Tower Building
To book rooms call 570-824-9831 and mention "Miatafest" event